Historic churches and other Christian sites in South Wales

Historic Churches Project (1995-1998)

This was a pan-Wales project in which all the Welsh Archaeological Trust looked at all the medieval church sites in their areas that were still in the use or ownership of the Church in Wales. The purpose of the project was to help Cadw decide which churches had the highest historical value so that could be factored into responding to applications for grant aid. We looked at the fabric and fittings of the each church, and the churchyard. Many of the churches in Glamorgan and Gwent had been rebuilt or remodelled in the Victorian or modern periods, but we still examined them to look for traces of earlier structures, fittings and fixtures.

Download the project reports here:

A summary of the results for the whole of Wales was published as ´Medieval Churches in Wales: The Welsh Historic Churches Project and its Results´ in 2000 in the journal Church Archaeology volume 4, pages 5-26.